Monday, March 21, 2011


Viral videos are the new obsession, thanks to the unmatched success of YouTube. These video makers go from average "nobodies" to the subjects of new mottos, phrases, and hilarious discussions. Some viral video 'famous faces' love their 5 minutes of fame, like Antoine Dodson. Others, not so much... (texting fountain faller Cruz Marrero) And some are never able to live down the shame of their tainted reputation from a viral vid. Like the UCLA girl...

The latest viral sensation is teen pop star wannabe Rebecca Black. She, along with several other teens, are part of a campaign sponsored by Ark Music Factory to seemingly find the next Justin Beiber, or Britney Spears, or some other pop sensation. The teens get a professional video, in hopes that they become famous and maybe score a legit record deal. Let's just say Rebecca has become famous for all the wrong reasons. Her "hit" song Friday has more than 20 million views on YouTube...and over 80,000 dislikes.

See for yourself!

After the public caught hold to Black's video, there was a frenzy of Facebook & Twitter sharing...and everyone seemed to find her video humorous, instead of an awesome debut of a great undiscovered artist.

Frustrated by the negative comments and laughs surrounding her musical masterpiece, Rebecca interviewed with the Today's Show, and did an acoustic version of her song...That didn't seem to sound much better either. :/

So, what's the moral of the story? I think its, BE CAREFUL what you put on the internet...its very hit and miss. You could become the subject of the next catch phrase -- or becoming the laughing-stock of the country.

And just for fun, Kingsley's review of Rebecca Black's vid!

Beware: he loves cursing, so if you have sensitive ears, don't watch this!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Senioritis. True, its not in Webster's, but its in Urban Dictionary, so that makes it kind of an official term, right? At any rate, dictionary entry or not, I feel like I am suffering from a pretty bad case of it. The worst part, is that I am usually a really motivated, high-achieving individual. All throughout college, I have worked hard to get great grades. Now, I couldn't possibly have a better gig lined up for me...I will be working for Teach For America, I am graduating Cum Laude, and my parents couldn't be more proud (as am I) of the work I have done in school. But somehow, even with all these accomplishments, I can't seem to write a 3 page paper! I can't seem to sit down and read 5 chapters in a textbook, and don't even ask about researching for a semester-long group project. I am burnt out. Officially. I am exhausted from school, work, and studying, and I can't seem to snap out of it. GAHHHHHH. (This is an expression of my frustration) Now, I only seem to have acquired the illness this past week, so I am sure that eventually (preferably soon) I will find the cure...or at least something to curb it until May 6th. And just so teachers recognize this is a real deal problem, I have included an article for your viewing pleasure! To all you graduating seniors: We can do it! We've done it for 3 1/2 years, we can definitely do it for 2 more months... I'll see you on the podium!!

Senioritis Article